The Ideas Exchange unites a group of high achievers who want to achieve even more. The membership is characterised by an open-minded approach to learning and the belief that useful lessons can be drawn from experts from all walks of life and different disciplines.
On the one hand, members are always interested to learn about new developments and tools that are directly related to the financial planning or wealth management space.
On the other, there is an equal desire to hear about complementary/ broader areas of expertise that can also have a part to play in successful business management. For example, topics relating to human resources and team dynamics such as psychology, mental health, social impact or topics that aim to promote ethical and future-proof businesses by addressing subjects like diversity, unconscious bias training, corporate social responsibility and ESG/sustainability themes.
In short, experts from many diverse fields have attended Ideas Exchange breakfasts to educate and inspire members.
Visiting experts tend to deliver their knowledge to the group in the form of a university-style lecture, although other formats are also possible with advance notice.
The key themes of the most recent past meetings are shown below. Collectively the content is industry-leading in professional standards of education.